This review might be a bit late xD
Really tense and awesome piece you've got there ^^
I can hardly get into alot of nitty gritty because there is too many things going on at the same time, for me at least.
So be aware of my none knowledge.
There were two things that stood out that I didn't really like.
1. I found that sometimes there were so many instruments at once playing so I couldn't hear them induvidually. I'm kinda picky in this area and I don't necessearily think this is something bad, but I prefer when I can hear each group/instrument clearly. And sometimes there were just too many things going on at the same time.
2. The drums were a bit lacking in variation. There was a certain pattern that kept being reused. And I would've liked a bit of variation in that field.
Wow, this sounds really harsh. Wasn't meant that way anyways. Just trying to help you understand what I think you could do better next time <3
Keep up the awesome work!